We prepared something special for you this Christmas! Not only our new single ENDLESS CIRCLE will be released on 22th December, but we also have an additional christmas present for you.
This present is packed with some goods related to our band. The lucky one whose name will be drawn by the band members on Christmas Eve (24th December at 14:00 CET) will obtain the present.
So, how can you participate? It is pretty simple, you just need to:
1. write a comment below our Endless Circle Youtube video about your experience with "being in an endless vicious circle" and what did you do in order to release yourself from its grasp. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/TPX7EC_LYKQ
2. follow us on YouTube so you won´t miss any news we have prepared for you, most importantly the premiere of our new single Endless Circle.
The content of the present will yet remain secret since it should be a little surprise. Nevertheless, we can assure you that there will be several special things that cannot be acquired other way nor bought through our merch-shop.
We are very curious about your experiences and stories.
